Passion Fruit

21/10/2010 17:19

I have a passion for fruits but not just any fruits the Passion Fruit! That fruit is my favorite fruit. Sweet and sour . There are things that you could do with a passion fruit to make it have a nice taste to it if it is too sour. Sprinke some sugaron it or even put some cherrie juice on top! And also passion fruit juice is the best when it has carrot or beet juice in it but by itself it is still good!




Me Life


November break

06/11/2010 08:14
Hey guys! I just wantes to let you know I will be taking a break from this blog. The break will only be until the month of December! Just wanted to let you know just incase you are wondering why I am not writing any new articles!



25/10/2010 08:54
 KRISPY KREME donuts!!! AN interview with some people about the krispi kreme donuts!


Website launched

18/10/2010 14:53
Our new website has been launched today. Check things out! You can leave me comments on my guestbook. And on the feedback feel free to mention my grammer mistakes!
